Episode Title:The Black Spider-Man!.Episode Description:In New York City, Spider-Man has gone through a strange change. He has become extremely violent and vicious in his crime-fighting ways, not caring for the safety of both criminal and civilian alike. The strangest thing about all of this: he is wearing a new black costume. As the Web-Slinger is branded a menace by the media, the children and the Avengers are outraged and confused by the notion. Although Iron Man simply attributes this to the smear campaign by the Daily Bugle editor-in-chief, J. Jonah Jameson, who despises Spider-Man, he nevertheless sends Cap, Thor and Hulk with their partners to New York to investigate, while he and the Wasp stay behind to help Hank Pym. When they reunite with Spider-Man in person they are shocked to learn that the reports are all true; Spider-Man recklessly nearly kills some people, before Captain America intervenes and attempts to calm him down. This fails, and as he is fighting Spider-Man, Cap notices that Spidey's powers have increased. Spider-Man even attempts to harm Ed when he tries to warn Cap of an attack by him. But just before he does actually hurt the child, he stops and mutters to Ed: "Run", before the Black Widow gets Ed to safety. Spider-Man fights the Black Widow, who was sent by Nick Fury to arrest him, eventually managing to web her up. Spider-Man even holds his own against Thor, until Mjolnir accidentally hits the bell of Our Lady of Saints Church, which causes the Web-Slinger to retreat. Black Widow explains that S.H.I.E.L.D. had found an alien life form, a symbiote, that can bond with a host. She claims that there is evidence that Spider-Man stole the alien that now poses as his new "costume", and that she is to stop him by any means necessary. Ed thinks that Spider-Man is not in control of his own actions, and the Avengers agree with him, but Black Widow is forced to fight Spider-Man again after he goes on another rampage.